Thursday 14 March 2013

Evaluation conclusion

I like how I have layered sound in my trailer, I think to music shows the audience what the genre of the film is, with out me have to show shots of aliens to represent sci-fi. It also suggests horror elements to the plot line. I used the different colour tones in my trailer for the same reason and I believe the colour tones made my trailer have really cool cinematic photography, that is lot a different from films. I also think my awards and titles make my film look more professional. I think to improve my trailer I could have used a wider range of shots.

I really like the pictures of Holly with alien writing, I think it grabs my audience's attention and stands out form the magazines. I also like my font as it fits really well with my name "Resolution". I think to improve I good add more news stories to try and fill the cover.

I like my pictures of Holly's eye with broken glass and space inside her eye, I think it shows my audience the genre of the film and codes to the plot. I think to improve my poster I could have blended the eye better into the background of space to make it look more professional. However I do think my logos and credits do make my poster look professional.

Over all I'm really happy with all my products especially my trailer, however I do think my magazine and poster could be a bit better. As had not been on photoshop for some time it did take me time to remember. I think I could have made them look are professional by spending more time on them. I think my trailer looks really professional probably because I spent more time on it than my poster and magazine. Next time I will try to learn more about photoshop and spend equal amounts of time on each products.

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