Monday 13 August 2012

Theatrical and Teaser Trailers

Super 8 teaser trailer 2010

 A teaser trailer is a short trailer normally about 30 seconds to 1 minute 30 used to advertise a new film. They usually show one scene (like this Super 8 trailer) or random short clips making the genre specific and teasing the audience by making want more, as no plot details are shown. Teaser trailers typically are released 6 months or more before the film is released. This creates more awareness of the film which then makes a anticipation for the film.  
 Super 8 theatrical trailer 2011

A theatrical trailer is an advertisement for a feature film that will be exhibited in the future. It shows scenes/clips from the film to give the viewer an idea of what the film's about (goes in to more detail about the plot than a teaser trailer). The usually are 1 to 3 minutes long and are released around 2 months before the film comes out.   

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